“Sis, I have activated Office, but why is it still asking for activation?”
“Why is it still saying Activation Required?”

We often hear complaints like that.
If there is Activation Required on your PC, it means there is a Key Crack linked to your PC!
Here’s how to remove Microsoft Office Key Crack on a PC:
Click the Start Menu or Press the Windows Logo on the Keyboard, then type “Command Prompt” and select Run as Administrator

In the Command Prompt window, type or copy-paste the following command:
For 32-bit
cscript “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /dstatus
For 64-bit
cscript “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /dstatus

You will see the last 5 Characters of the Key Crack linked on your PC.

*Old keys that have not been activated still have a time period in the REMAINING GRACE section
Please delete the Old Key/Crack by typing the following command:
For 32-bit
cscript “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /unpkey: Last 5 Digits
For 64-bit
cscript “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS” /unpkey: Last 5 Digits

The process of removing the Key Crack on the PC is complete, marked with “Product key uninstall successful“
Using Cracked/Pirated Software can be said to be an easy step to save. This is indeed tempting because it can be obtained for free compared to Original Software with prices ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah. However, did you know that there are risks that threaten when using Pirated Software, including theft of personal data.